Hello, Zola!


For the past couple of years I've used Hugo for my personal website cgmcintyre.com.

I picked Hugo for its popularity, and got up and running super quick with the minimo theme. However I haven't really done much with the site since I put it up...

I think part of the reason for this is that using someone elses theme made the process of generating the site a bit too magic. I looked into designing a Hugo theme, but I'm not used to go templating and found that Hugo was maybe a bit too powerful for my simple use case.

So, I've moved my site to Zola, a simple static site generator written in Rust. I've designed the theme for my website from scratch, which has helped me feel comfortable. My config.toml file feels light, and I'm happy with how Zola works under the hood :)

Here's to a more active site!